发布日期: 2024-08-01   阅读次数: 248


吴伟,特聘教授 C 岗,电子邮箱:wuw@gzu.edu.cn。






2023.11-至今,bat365在线平台官方网站 特聘教授 C 岗

2019.09-2023.06,中山大学 地图学与地理信息系统专业博士

2016.09-2019.06,云南大学 地图学与地理信息系统专业硕士

2012.09-2016.06,云南大学 地理信息系统专业本科



[1] 2023.11-2027.11,贵州大学自然科学专项(特岗),贵大特岗合字(2023)68 号,基于通用陆面模式的贵州喀斯特地区生态系统碳汇格局模拟与潜力评估研究,40 万元,主持,在研



1. Wu W, Sun Y*, Xiao K, Xin Q*. Development of a global annual land surface phenology dataset for 1982–2018 from the AVHRR data by implementing multiple phenology retrieving methods. International Journal of Applied EarthObservation and Geoinformation, 2021, 103: 102487.(SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区 TOP, IF = 7.672) 

2. Wu W, Li Z, Zhang Z, Yan C, Xiao K, Wang Y, Xin Q*. Developing global annual land surface phenology datasets (1982–2018) from the AVHRRdata usingmultiple phenology retrieval methods. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 150: 110262. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院二区 TOP, IF = 6.263) 

3. Wu W, Xin Q*. Characterizing spring phenological changes of the land surfaceacross the conterminous United States from 2001 to 2021. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15(3): 737.(SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院二区 TOP, IF = 5.349)

4. Xiao K, Wu W*, Sun Y, Wang Y, Xin Q*. Mapping fine-spatial-resolution vegetation spring phenology from individual Landsat images using a convolutional neural network. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2023, 44(9): 3059-3081.(SCI, JCR Q2, 中科院三区, IF = 3.531) 

5. Wu S, Wu W*. Understanding spatio-temporal variation of autumn phenologyintemperate China from 1982 to 2018. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2024,11: 1332116.(SCI, JCR Q2, 中科院二区, IF = 3) 

6. Wu W, Xin Q*. A global annual vegetation phenology dataset derived fromGIMMS LAI3g time series for 1982–2015. IEEE International Geoscience andRemote Sensing Symposium IGARSS 2022. IEEE, 2022: 6130–6133. (EI 检索)

7. 吴伟, 杨飞龄, 王军军, 刁奕欣, 郭洋, 武瑞东*. 基于MODIS 时序数据的中国西南地区主要植被生态系统干扰动态监测及分析. 地理研究, 2021, 40(5): 1478–1494.(CSSCI / CSCD,一级学报) 

8. 吴伟, 武瑞东*. 利用卫星遥感数据提取生态干扰信息的方法研究. 科研信息化技术与应用, 2017, 8(3): 37–43.(CSCD)


1. Diao, Y, Wang, J, Yang, F, Wu, W, Zhou, J, Wu, R*. Identifying optimized on-the-ground priority areas for species conservation in a global biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 290: 112630. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区 TOP, IF = 8.91,) 

2. Wu, R*, Wang, W, Yang, F, Wang, J, Wu, W, Diao, Y, Hu P. Comments: ‘Global roadless areas: consider terrain’. Science, 2017, 355(6332): 1381. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区 TOP, IF = 63.741) 

3. Lin, S, Wu, R*, Yang, F, Wang, J, Wu, W. Spatial trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services within a global biodiversity hotspot. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 84: 371–381. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院二区 TOP, IF = 6.263) 

4. Wang, J, Wu, R*, He, D, Yang, F, Hu, P, Lin, S, Wu, W, Diao Y, Guo Y. Spatial relationship between climatic diversity and biodiversity conservation value. Conservation Biology, 2018, 32(6): 1266–1277. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区TOP, IF = 7.563) 

5. Zhao, H, Wu, R*, Long Y, Hu J, Yang F, Jin T, Wang, J, Hu, P, Wu W, DiaoY, Guo Y. Individual-level performance of nature reserves in forest protection and the effects of management level and establishment age. Biological Conservation, 2019, 233: 23–30. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院一区 TOP, IF = 7.497)

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