发布日期: 2024-07-31   阅读次数: 214


博士、教授、博士生导师 特许金融分析师(CFA)协会 ESG 投资证书。至今共出版专著 1 部;发表科研论文 60 余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表 SCI 论文 23 篇,EI 论文 9 篇。主持中国国家自然科基金项目 2 项、贵州省科技厅项目 3 项、贵州省教育厅科研项目 1 项、美国能源部项目 1 项。


2021.12 至今:bat365在线平台官方网站教授

2016.11 至 2021.12:bat365在线平台官方网站副教授

2013.1 至 2016.10:美国北达科他大学(University of North Dakota)工程与bat365在线平台官方网站 科研工程师








2012.6:碳封存研究培训(Research Experience in Carbon Sequestration 2012)由美国能源部化石燃料办公室及国家能源技术实验室联合主办,仅选取 30 名在校研究 生和青年专家,培训二氧化碳捕集运输,提高石油采收率方面的理论知识和现场经验











第三届全国高校采矿工程专业青年教师讲课比赛一等奖,教育部高等学校矿业类专业教 学指导委员会颁发,2019 年 7 月

第九届全国高校采矿工程专业学生实践作品大赛二等奖(指导教师),教育部高等学校 矿业类专业教学指导委员会颁发,2019 年 7 月 2019

年度“贵州大学卓越基金(青年教师)”三等奖,2019 年 12 月


1. 国家自然科学基金(地区项目),52066005,岩溶水文地质条件对地埋管钻孔传热特 性影响机理研究,2021/01-2024/12,35 万元,在研,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金(地区项目),51864008,基于㶲分析法的岩溶地区地源热泵流固 耦合传热机理研究,国家自然科学基金委员会资助,2019/01-2022/12,42 万元,结 题,主持;

3. 贵州省科技支撑计划,(黔科合支撑[2022]一般 232),岩溶地区埋管群对地质环境 热-流-固耦合影响研究,贵州省科技厅资助,2022/04-2025/03, 80 万元,在研,主持人;

4. 贵州省科技计划项目【基础研究计划】, 黔科合基础[2018]1039,岩溶地区地埋管地 热源热泵地下传热传质过程研究, 贵州省科技厅资助,2018/08-2020/08, 10 万元, 已结题,主持;

5. 贵州省科技计划项目【基础研究计划联合基金】, 黔科合 LH 字[2017]7282, 利用高 温驱替技术提高黔北龙马溪组常压储层页岩气产量的研究,贵州省科技厅资助, 2017/11-2019/12, 8 万元, 已结题,主持;

6. 贵州省教育厅青年科技人才成长项目, 黔教合 KY 字[2017]117, 贵州省浅层地温能 赋存条件与特征的研究,2018/01-2019/12, 4 万元, 已结题,主持;

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51774101,三维矿业颗粒破裂宏细观力学行为结构效应 研究,国家自然科学基金委资助,2018/01-2021/12,60 万元,结题,参与;

8. 贵州省科技支撑计划,黔科合支撑[2023]一般 128,煤炭原位地下气化-气电新业态 与多形式传统火电碳排放对比测算研究,贵州省科技厅资助,2023/03-2025/03, 61.6 万元,在研,子课题主持人;

9. 贵州省科技支撑计划,黔科合支撑[2020]2Y025,典型岩溶地区地埋管热泵运行特性 分析-以贵州清镇某项目为例,贵州省科技厅资助,2020/03-2023/03, 100 万元,在 研,子课题主持人;

10. 美国北达科他州政府褐煤研究基金,北达科他州褐煤的地下煤气化可行性研究第二 期,2014/01-2016/01,72 万美元,已结题,第二主持人;

11. 美国能源部小型企业创新研究基金,新型补井水泥的特性测试,2015/10-2016/06, 2.7 万美元,已结题,主持;

12. 美国北达科他州政府褐煤研究基金,北达科他州褐煤的地下煤气化可行性研究, 2012/08-2015/08,50 万美元,已结题,主要参与人;

13. 美国能源部国家能源技术实验室,致力于提高巴肯(Bakken)储层(页岩、石灰岩) 油气采收率的岩石力学研究,2008/09-2014/06,135 万美元,已结题,主要参与人;

14. 美国能源部国家能源技术实验室,美国平原地区二氧化碳减排封存合作组织, 2008/06-2012/08,3000 万美元,已结题,参与。


本科生课程:工程热力学(双语)、弹性力学基础(双语)、地下采矿岩石力学、工 程力学;



1. 高校工程类专业课程双语教学模式研究与实践,贵州大学校级教改项目,主持, 2019.01-2021.08

2. 贵州大学线上线下混合式课程建设项目,贵州大学校级教改项目,主持, 2020.08-2021.08


1. Gest Editor of “Energy Geotechnics and Geostructures”, a special issue of Energies (ISSN 1996-1073). March 2023- May 2024

2. Gest Editor of “Geothermal Heat Pumps and Heat Exchangers”, a special issue of Energies (ISSN 1996-1073). October 2022- April 2024

3. 亚太科学与工程研究院(Asia Pacific Institute of Science and Engineering)评 审委员会委员,中国香港

4. 第二届CO2技术与机遇峰会(CO2Summit II: Technologies and Opportunities)组织 委员会委员,2016年4月10-14日,Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, USA.

5. Journal of Geography and Geology编辑委员会委员(ISSN 1916-9779 Print, ISSN 1916-9787 Online),加拿大多伦多

6. 第16届海峡两岸隧道与地下工程会议组委会委员,2017年8月19-21日,贵州贵阳

7. 第8届全国高等学校矿业石油安全学院院长学术论坛组委会委员,2018年9月19-21 日,贵州贵阳

8. 第4届环境与能源工程国际会议组委会委员及评审专家,2020年3月12-15日,海南三亚


1. 发明专利一种便携式野外炒菜锅, ZL2019 1 0068297.8,丁威戈、裴鹏,

2. 发明专利一种治理地埋孔周围岩土热失衡的方法,ZL2019 1 0637797.9 裴鹏、邹行

3. 实用新型专利一种浅层地温能中增大换热面积装置, ZL2019 2 1746589.4,裴鹏、 商大成,

4. 实用新型专利一种井下投放式定位自救装置, ZL2020 2 2996474.X,裴鹏、穆玄,

5. 实用新型专利一种能缓解地源热泵水平埋管热干扰排管结构,ZL2020 2 2321305.6, 裴鹏、邹行,

6. 实用新型专利一种围岩应力与温度测量探管,ZL2021 2 0165302.X,裴鹏、穆玄,

7. 实用新型专利一种地埋孔钻井岩屑收集设备,ZL2020 2 1698068.9,裴鹏、杨斌


累计应邀为 Elservier 和 Springer 旗下学术期刊审稿 80 余次:

Applied Energy, Chemical Engineering Science, Energies, Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Fuel and Energy Science Journal, International Journal of Coal Geology, International Journal of Energy Engineering, International Journal of Geology and Geography, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Research, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change , Elsevier 科技书籍。



1. 裴鹏,曾正文,刘勇,吴桂义,王沉,李伟. Study on Underground Coal Gasification Combined Cycle Coupled with on-site Carbon Capture and Storage. 210 千 字,ISBN978-7-5646-4281-5. 中国矿业大学出版社. 2018.12. 


1. Deng, F., Pei, P.*, Li, W.,Wang, L.,Ren, Y. Study on design and calculation method of borehole heat exchangers based on seasonal patterns of groundwater. Renewable Energy. RENEWABLE ENERGY 220 (2024) 119711 (SCI 1 区 TOP 收录)

2. Deng, F., Pei, P.* , Ren, Y. Luo,T., Chen, Y. Investigation and evaluation methods of shallow geothermal energy considering the influences of fracture water flow. Geothermal Energy 11, 2023,25 (2023).(SCI 2 区收录)

3. 林华颖,裴鹏*,邹行,焦安军,贵州省毕节市米底河地热特征及形成机理. 地质科 技通报. 2023,42(03),281-286. (核心)

4. Pei, P.* , Su, F. Energy Geotechnics and Geostructures.Energies,2023, 16(8).

5. Chen, Y., Luo, T., Pei, P*., Ran, Y., Tang, L. . Development of a phase change backfill material with high heat capacity and high thermal conductivity used for ground source heat pumps. International Journal of Energy Research,2023, 2023(6):1-18, (SCI 3 区收录)

6. Luo, T., Pei, P*., Chen, Y., Hao, D., Wang, C. 2022. Improvements in the water retention characteristics and thermophysical parameters of backfill materials in GSHP by a molecular sieve. Energies ,2022, 15(5). (SCI 3 区 收录)

7. Luo, T., Pei, P*., Wu, J., Wang, C., Tu, H. . Research on the application of fracture water to mitigate thermal imbalance of rock mass associated with operation of ground-coupled heat pumps. Energies, 2022, 15(17).(SCI 3 区收录)

8. 陈仪侠,裴鹏*,罗婷婷,邓凤强,邹行.复杂地质条件下浅层地热能开发中地埋管布置优 化研究[J]. 中国水运(下半月),2022,00(06) :99-101.(SCD)

9. 穆玄,裴鹏*,周鑫,屠洪盛. 岩溶构造对地埋管群换热效率影响数值模拟研究. 煤田地 质与勘探,2022,50(10):131-139.(EI 收录)

10.穆玄,裴鹏*,杨斌,刘旺,罗婷婷. 岩溶地区竖直埋管热泵系统建设成本分析——以某 地源热泵项目为例.建筑经济 ,2022,43(S1).(核心)

11.杨斌,裴鹏*,罗婷婷,郝定溢,王沉. 2021.岩溶地区特殊地质条件对 U 型地埋管换热器的传热影响研究. 太阳能学报,2022, 43(12) :510-519.(EI 收录)

12.邓凤强,裴鹏*. 复杂地质条件下浅层地热能场地开发适宜性评价.建筑节 能,2022,50(12):111-118.(SCD)

13.邹行,裴鹏*,郝定溢,王沉. 不同土壤类型与含水率对水平埋管换热性能影响数值分析. 煤田地质与勘探,2021,49(06):221-229.(EI 收录)

14.Liu, W., Pei P.*. Evaluation of the influencing factors of using underground space of abandoned coal mines to store hydrogen based on the improved ANP method.Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2021,2021.(SCI 4 区收录)

15.Zou, H., Pei, P.* , Zhang, J. . Impacts of hydrogeological characters of fractured rock on thermodynamic performance of ground-coupled heat pump. PLoS One, 2021,16(5) . (SCI 3 区收录)

16.Zou, H., Pei, P.* , Hao. D., Wang, C. .A numerical study on heat transfer performances of horizontal ground heat exchangers in ground-source heat pumps. PLoS One,2021,16(5).(SCI 3 区收录)

17.罗婷婷,裴鹏*.换热孔回填材料含水率特征变化规律及其对热物性影响研究.太阳能 学报, 2022,43(07):1-8.(EI 收录)

18.邹行,裴鹏*,郝定溢,王沉. 土壤水力学特征对水平埋管换热能力的影响分析. 太阳能 学报,2022,43(05):10-20.(EI 收录)

19.Shang, D., Pei, P*. .Analysis of Influencing Factors of Modification Potential of Abandoned Coal Mine into Pumped Storage Power Station. Journal of Energy Resources Technology - Transactions of the ASME,2021,143(11) .(SCI 3 区收录)

20.Shang D., Pei, P* , Zuo Y. .Techno-economic Feasibility Analysis of Pumped Storage Hydroelectricity in Abandoned Underground Coal Mines. Journal of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions of the ASME,2020,142(12) .(SCI 3 区收录)

21.Zhou, W., Pei, P* , Mao R., Qian H., Hu Y., Zhang J. .Selection and techno-economic analysis of hybrid ground source heat pumps used in karst regions. Science Progress,2020, 103(2):1–17.(SCI 4 区收录)

22.Zhou, W., Pei, P* , Hao D, Wang C. .A Numerical Study on the Performance of Ground Heat Exchanger Buried in Fractured Rock Bodies. Energies,2020, 13(7).(SCI 3 区收录)

23.Sui, H., Pei, P* , Su Q, Ding W, Mao R. .Study of temperature effects on economic performance of CO2 enhanced shale gas recovery. Journal of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions of the ASME,2020,142(3):1-24.(SCI 3 区收录)

24.Mao, R, Zhang, J, Pei P* , Xie Z, Zhou X. .Adsorption characteristics of clay-organic complexes and their role in shale gas resource evaluation. Energy Science and Engineering,2019,7(1):108–119.(SCI 3 区收录)

25.Pei, P. * , Ling, K., Hou, X., Nordeng, S., and Johnson, S. .Brittleness investigation of producing units in Three Forks and Bakken formations, Williston Basin. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016,32:512-520.(SCI 2 区收录)

26.Pei, P. * , Nasah, J., Solc, J., Korom, S.F., Laudal, D. and Barse, K. .Investigation of the feasibility of underground coal gasification in North Dakota, United States. Energy Conversion and Management,2016,113:95-103.(SCI 1 区 Top 收录)

27.Pei, P. * , Barse, K., and Nasah, J. .Competitiveness and cost sensitivity study of underground coal gasification combined cycle using lignite. Energy & Fuels, 2016,30 (3):2111-2118.(SCI 2 区 Top 收录)

28.Pei, P. * , Laudal, D., Nasah, J., Johnson, S., and Ling, K. Utilization of aquifer storage in flare gas reduction. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015,27:1100-1108.(SCI 2 区 收录)

29.Pei, P. * , Ling, K., He, J., and Liu, Z. .Shale gas reservoir treatment by a CO2-based technology. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2015,26:1595-1606.(SCI 2 区 收录)

30.Pei, P. * , Korom, S., Ling, K., He, J., and Gil, A. .Thermodynamic impact of aquifer permeability on the performance of a compressed air energy storage plant. Energy Conversion and Management,2015,97:340-350.(SCI 1 区 Top 收录)

31.Pei, P. * , Barse, K., Gil, A., and Nasah, J. .Waste recovery in CO2 compression. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2014,30:86-96.(SCI 2 区收录)

32.Pei, P. * , Korom, S., Ling, K. and Nasah, J. .Cost comparison of syngas production from natural gas conversion and underground coal gasification. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2014,21(4):629 – 643.(SCI3 区收录).

33.J. Ma, Y. Tang, D.Q. Yang, and P. Pei. .Kinetics of advanced oxidative leaching of pyrite in a potassium peroxydisulphate solution. The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,2020,120:1-8.(SCI4 区收录).

34.X Li,L Chen,Pei P.,J Bi. .Shale adsorption characteristics of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in northern Guizhou based on surface free energy and isosteric heat data. Arabian Journal of Geosciences,2020,13. (SCI 4 区收录)

35.P Li,P Hua,D Gui,J Niu,P. Pei,J Zhang & P Krebs. .A comparative analysis of artificial neural networks and wavelet hybrid approaches to long-term toxic heavy metal prediction. Scientific Reports,2020,10. (SCI3 区收录)

36.Zeng, J., Tian, S., Wu, G., Xu, S., Pei, P. and Wang C. .2019. The research of coal seam gas pressure and initial gas emission characteristics of borehole. Energy Science & Engineering,2019,00:1–9. (SCI 3 区收录)

37.Ling, K., He, J., Pei, P., Ge, J. and Qin, W. .A new correlation to evaluate the fracture permeability changes as reservoir is depleted. in progress. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016,145:336-345.(SCI2 区收录)

38.He, J., Ling, K., Pei, P., and Ni, X. .Calculation of rock compressibility by using the characteristics of downstream pressure change in permeability experiment. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016,143: 121-127. (SCI2 区收录)

39.Ling, K., He, J., Pei, P., Wang, S. .Comparisons of Biot’s coefficients of Bakken core samples measured by three Methods, ARMA 16-30. Proceedings of the 50th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, Texas, USA,2016,:26-29. (EI 收录)

40.Ling, K., He, J., Pei, P., Ge, J. and Ni, X. .A method to determine pore compressibility based on permeability measurements. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2015,80: 51-56. (SCI 1 区收录)

41.Ling, K., He, J., Ge, J., Pei, P. and Shen, Z. .A rigorous method to calculate the rising speed of gas kick. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2015,5:81-89. (EI 收录)

42.Ling, K., He, J., Pei, P., and Ni, X. .Reducing the uncertainty in tight rock porosity estimation by combining different methods-Bakken Formation Case. Proceedings of the 49th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, California, USA,2015. (EI 收录)

43.He, J., Ling, K., Pei, P., and Ni, X. .Experimental investigation on the effect of pore pressure on rock permeability – Bakken formation case, ARMA 15-36. Proceedings of the 49th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, California, USA, 2015. (EI 收录)

44.Pei, P. * , Zeng, Z., and Ling, K..Finite element study of paleostress and natural fracture development in the Bakken formation, Nesson anticline area, North Dakota. Journal of Petroleum Science and Research, 2014,3(4): 197 - 208.

45.Pei, P. * , He, J. And Ling, K. .Correlating geomechanical properties of Bakken rocks with stratigraphic sequence, paper ARMA 14-7347. Proceedings of the 48th U.S. Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA,2014. (EI 收录)

46.Ling, K., Xu, C., Han, G., He, J., and Pei, P. .A new method for leak detection in gas pipelines. SPE Oil and Gas Facilities,2014, 4(2): 97-106.

47.Ling, K., He, J., Pei, P., and Ni, X. .Identifying fractures in tight rocks using permeability test data, paper ARMA 14-6984. Proceedings of the 48th U.S. Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. 1-4 June 2014 Symposium held in Minneapolis, MN, USA,2014. (EI 收录)

48.Ling, K., He, J., Pei, P., and Ni, X. .A new method to determine pore compressibility, paper ARMA 14-6964. Proceedings of the 48th U.S. Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA,2014. (EI 收录)

49.Ling, K., He, J. and Pei, P. .Gas-oil-water production and water-gas injection forecasts in Williston basin, Journal of Petroleum Science and Research, 2014,3(3):119-129.

50.Ling, K., Shen, Z., Han, G., He, J. and Pei, P. .A Review of Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods Applied in Williston Basin, URTeC: 1891560. Proceedings of the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2014.(EI 收 录)

51.He, J., Ling, K., Pei, P. and Ni, X. 2014. Calculation of rock compressibility by use of pressure buildup in permeability experiment. URTeC: 1928297. Proceedings of the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2014. (EI 收录)

52.Jensen, M.D., Pei, P., Snyder, A.C., Heebink, L.V. and Cowan, R.M. .Methodology for phased development of a hypothetical pipeline network for CO2 transport during carbon capture, utilization and storage. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27 (8): 4175-4182. (SCI 收录 IF=2.790)

53.He, J., Pei, P., Ling, K., Zeng, Z. and Liu, H. .Quantification of rock porosity changes before and after freezing. Journal of Petroleum Science and Research, 2013,2 (3): 128-137.

54.Ling, K., He, J., Pei, P., Han, G. and Zhang, H. 2013. Determining the permeability of tight rock with gas transient flow. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2013,15: 1-7. (SCI 收录 IF=2.157)

55.He, J., Ling, K., Pei, P., Ge, J. and Qin, W. . A correlation to evaluate the fracture permeability changes as reservoir is depleted. Proceedings of 2013 SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Aug 20 - 22, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA,2013. (EI 收录)

56.Jensen, M.D., Pei, P., Snyder, A.C., Heebink, L.V. Gorecki, C.D, Steadman, E.N., and Harju, J.A. . A phased approach to building a hypothetical pipeline network for CO2 transport during CCUS. Energy Procedia, 2013,37: 3097-3104. (EI 收录)

57.Pei, P.* . and Zeng, Z. . Estimating mining recovery factor and cavity stability of commercial scale underground coal gasification plants, paper ARMA12-308. Proceedings of 46th U.S. and 5th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, USA. June 2012. (EI 收录)

58.Pei, P. * , Zeng, Z., Liu, H. and Ahmed, S. .Preliminary experimental study of surrounding rock properties for underground coal gasification in western North Dakota, paper ARMA12-200. Proceedings of 46th U.S. and 5th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, USA,2012. (EI 收录)

59.Pei, P., Zeng, Z., and He, J. . Characterization of the Harmon lignite for underground coal gasification. Proceedings of 2011 Pittsburgh International Coal Conference, September 11-13, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2011.(EI 收录)

60.Pei, P. * , Zeng, Z., and He, J. . Feasibility study of underground coal gasification combined with CO2 capture and sequestration in Williston Basin, North Dakota, paper ARMA10-240. Proceeding of the 44th U.S. and 5th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA,2010. (EI 收录)

61.Pei, P. * , and Kulkarni, M. 2008. A model for analysis of integrated gasification combined cycle with carbon dioxide capture, paper POWER2008-60124. Proceedings of the ASME Power 2008 Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA,2008. (EI 收录)

62.Pei, P. * , and Kulkarni, M. Modeling of ultra superheated steam gasification in integrated gasification combined cycle power plant with carbon dioxide capture, paper ES2008-54325. Proceedings of the Energy Sustainability 2008 Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA,2008. (EI 收录)


63.Ling, K., Zeng, Z., He, J., Pei, P., Zhou, X., Liu, H., Huang, L., Ostadhassan, M., Jabbari, H., Blanksma, D., Feilen, H., Ahmed, S., Benson, S., Mann, M., LeFever, R., and Gosnold, W. 2013. Geomechanical study of Bakken formation for improved oil recovery. Technical Report for U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory Cooperative Agreement DE-FC26-08NT0005643.

64.Jensen, M.D.; Pei, P.; Peck, W.D.; Gorecki, C.D.; Steadman, E.N. 2011. Review of Source Attributes; Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership Phase III Task 1 Deliverable D1 for U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC26-05NT42592; Energy & Environmental Research Center: Grand Forks, ND, Sept 2011.

65.Jensen, M.D.; Cowan, R.M.; Pei, P.; Steadman, E.N.; Harju, J.A. 2011. Opportunities and Challenges Associated with CO2 Compression and Transportation during CCS Activities; Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership Phase III Draft Task 6 Deliverable D85 for U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC26-05NT42592; Energy & Environmental Research Center: Grand Forks, North Dakota, March 2011.

66.Cowan, R.M.; Jensen, M.D.; Pei, P.; Steadman, E.N.; Harju, J.A. Current Status of CO2 Capture Technology Development and Application; Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership Phase III Draft Value-Added Report for U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC26-05NT42592; Energy & Environmental Research Center: Grand Forks, North Dakota, Jan 2011.

67.Jensen, M.D.; Pei, P.; Peck, W.D.; Gorecki, C.D.; Steadman, E.N. 2010. Review of Source Attributes-Update 1; Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership Phase III Task 1 Deliverable D1 for U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC26-05NT42592; Energy & Environmental Research Center: Grand Forks, ND, Sept 2010.

68.Jensen, M.D.; Pavlish, B.M.; Pei, P.; Leroux, K.M.B.; Steadman, E.N.; Harju, J.A. Regional Emissions and Capture Opportunities Assessment – Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership (Phase II); Value-Added Report for U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC26-05NT42592; EERC Publication 2010-EERC-08-15; Energy & Environmental Research Center: Grand Forks, ND, Dec 2009.

69.Jensen, M.D.; Pei, P.; Peck, W.D.; Steadman, E.N.; Harju, J.A. Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership (Phase III) – Review of Source Attributes; Task 1 Deliverable D1 Report (Oct 1, 2008 – Sept 30, 2009) for U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC26-05NT42592; EERC Publication 2010-EERC-08-08; Energy & Environmental Research Center: Grand Forks, ND, Sept 2009.


70.Pei, P., 2023. Study on design and calculation method of borehole heat exchangers based on seasonal patterns of groundwater. The Sixth International Scientific Conference Alternative Energy Sources, Materials and Technologies (AESMT’23) 16 - 17 May, 2023, Sofia, Bulgaria

71.裴鹏, 土壤源热泵水平埋管方式对换热效果影响研究,第二届华人能源环境国际学 术会议. 2021.7.17-19,中国成都。

72.裴鹏, 大规模地下煤气化工程结构稳定性和采收率研究, 第 16 届海峡两岸隧道与 地下工程会议,2017 年 8 月 19-21 日,贵州贵阳

73.Pei, P., 2017. Brittleness Investigation of Shale Oil Producing Formations, presented on the 37th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Huaibei, Anhui, China, October 14-16.

74.Pei, P., 2015. A CO2 based shale gas reservoir treatment technology, presented on the 2 ndBiennial CO2 for EOR as CCUS Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, October 4-6.

75.Pei, P., Nasah, J., and Solc, J., 2014. Feasibility study of underground coal gasification in Western North Dakota, presented on the 2014 International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, October 6 to 9

76.Pei, P., Nasah, J., and Korom, S., 2013. Feasibility study of underground coal gasification in Western North Dakota, presented on the 2013 Gasification Technology Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, October 13 to 16.

77.Pei, P., Korom, S., Ling, K. and Nasah, J. 2013. Cost comparison of syngas production from natural gas conversion and underground coal gasification, presented at the 3rd IEA Clean Coal Center UCG network meeting, Brisbane, Australia, November 6-7

78.Zeng, Z. and Pei, P. 2011. Characterization of coal-bearing formation for underground coal gasification in North Dakota, Abstract No. 197757, presented at the Annual Meeting of Geological Society of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, October 9–12.

79.Jensen, M.D.; Pavlish, B.M.; Pei, P.; Leroux,K.M.B.; Steadman, E.N.; Harju, J.A. Estimating the Cost to Capture, Compress, and Transport CO2 from Stationary Sources in the PCOR Partnership Region, presented at the 9th Annual Carbon Capture & Sequestration Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 10–13, 2010

80.Zeng, Z. and Pei, P. 2010. Underground coal gasification with CO2enhanced oil recovery in western North Dakota, abstract No. 155-9, presented at the Annual Meeting of Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado, USA, October 31–November 3.

81.Zeng, Z. He, J., Pei, P., Wang, Y.2009. Development of a three-dimensional Bakken formation model for improved oil recovery, paper abstract No. 101-5, presented at the Annual Meeting of Geological Society of America, Portland, Oregon, USA, October 18-21.

82. Zeng, Z. and Pei, P. 2009. Underground coal gasification process coupled with on-site carbon storage and enhanced hydrocarbon recovery in North Dakota Williston Basin, paper abstract No. 166-3,presented at the Annual Meeting of Geological Society of America, Portland, Oregon, USA, October 18-21.

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